Dubai Access will be the convenience store of the 21st Century future, fulfilling needs that will continue to exist into the future – the need for availability and convenience. With an aggressive marketing plan, Dubai Access expects to experience a steady growth as it becomes more acquainted to the general public. With the financing in place, Dubai Access store will be able to successfully open and maintain operations through year one. The large capital investments of the owners will provide the public with a unique and innovative store that will cater to the needs of those on fixed incomes, the elderly, and the large student population with restricted budgets in the Halifax area. The successful operation of Dubai Access Store will provide a customer base that will allow it to be self-sufficient.

The possibilities for expansion are excellent not only in the local area, but in neighboring communities as well. Retail outlet stores serve the entire purchasing population of its geographical area, and focuses on customers who need to purchase items outside of normal working hours such as swing shift employees and quick shoppers. Therefore we have segmented our market into night shoppers, quick shoppers, and others. Growth rates for these three segments match the population growth for the surrounding area.
Dubai Access’s primary objective is to create a new and revolutionary retail distribution outlet that will significantly reduce prices for its customers and provide greater services with a notable and outstanding level of quality. The company seeks to be first to market with this forward new idea so as to capture market share and become more widespread.

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